Photo gallery with soundscapes and quotes from the book The Forest Has You


African Rainforest & Pygmy Peoples

Woman with painted face, from Luis Devin's anthropological research in Central Africa (Bakoya Pygmies, Gabon)
BaKoya woman with painted face (Bakoya Pygmies, Gabon).

"The crossroads where the road to the sawmill begins. During the day you find the traders' shops and Bantu women making manioc porridge to serve to truck drivers and passing workers. At night you find the truck drivers and passing workers having sex in the huts. Bantu and Pygmy women are the object of the sexual attentions of the office workers from the sawmill, who also pass on viruses that gradually infect the women's villages..."

Luis Devin, The Forest Has You. Story of an Initiation
Italian edition: La foresta ti ha. Storia di un'iniziazione
(Castelvecchi - LIT Edizioni)

Soundscape: polyphonic song recorded in a Bakoya village
in the rainforest of Gabon (Bakoya Pygmies of Gabon).

Photo gallery about African Pygmies and the rainforest, with soundscapes from pygmy camps and the forest.

      Page URL:       Photos, texts and audio recordings by Luis Devin.
The time in the tropical rainforests of the Western Congo Basin, where the Baka and the other Pygmy peoples live, is 19:10.
Every minute, at least 25 hectares (250.000 m²) of forest are destroyed around the world (source: WWF).