ABOUT THE PYGMIES.ORG WEBSITEHunter-Gatherer Peoples of the African Rainforests
Copyright notice Copyright © 1998-2025 Luis Devin. All rights reserved. Reproduction of texts, images, music, sounds and videos, as well as the print or elaboration of the site content, is forbitten, also for non-commercial use. A note on the horizontal structure of the internal pages Pygmies.org is mostly a horizontal website. Most of the inside pages are, in fact, horizontally structured, in order to give more emphasis and clarity to photographic documents and other content. Therefore those pages have to be scrolled horizontally! Go to the Site Map page for a full list of the pages and subsections of the site. A NOTE ON THE ENGLISH VERSION OF THE WEBSITE Most of the texts and photo captions on the website's pages have been translated from the Italian version. Thank you for any suggestions or reports of errors, for which you can use the email address shown on the contact page. * The page background is inspired by abstract patterns painted on bark clothes by Mbuti women, in the Ituri rainforest (Mbuti Pygmies of the Northeastern Democratic Republic of the Congo). The decorations of the barks, which may refer to the reality of rainforest environment and Pygmy camps without offering a direct representation of them, are carried out with various natural pigments, using flexible sticks, liana cords, small stamps, or simply the fingertips dipped into the color. | ||||||