1. Cameroonian rainforest trees and liana plants.
Rainforest trees | | | |
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| Natural Environmentof the Bakola-Bagyeli Pygmies(Southern Cameroon)Photos, texts and audio recordings by Luis DevinSoundscape: flowing river in the African rainforest. | 2. The Cameroonian rainforest at the outfall of the Lobé river. | | | |
3. Waterfalls of the Lobé river tumbling into the Atlantic Ocean.
Waterfalls of the African rainforest rivers | | | |
| | 4. Fern island in the middle of a rainforest river.
Aquatic plants and river vegetation | | | |
| | 5. - 6. Forest Elephant and De Brazza's Monkey.
Elephants and Hippopotamus
Rainforest primates | | | |
| | 7. Bird on a riverside fallen tree.
African rainforest birds | | | |
8. Reed thicket near a Balola village. | | | |
| | 9. Atlantic Ocean seashore, sorrounded by the rainforest. | | | |
| | Thematic links and insights:
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| | | | | | The author:
Music anthropologist and writer, he has carried out field research in central Africa, where he lived with the Baka Pygmies and other forest peoples, whose music, rituals and survival strategies he has been studying for more than a decade. www.luisdevin.comwww.facebook.com/LuisDevin | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | HOME SECTION INDEX BACKThe rain forest of the Bakola Pygmies, with photos and sounds (Southern Cameroon).Photos, texts and audio recordings by Luis Devin. Page URL: http://www.pygmies.org/bakola-bagyeli/environment.phpPhotos, videos and sounds are available for licensing, both for multimedia use and paper publications. For the terms and conditions, contact the author from the Contact page. The time in the tropical rainforests of the Western Congo Basin, where the BaKola-BaGyeli Pygmy people live, is 21:23. Every minute, at least 25 hectares (250.000 m²) of forest are destroyed around the world (source: WWF). Go to the Other Pygmy Peoples section indexCopyright © 1998-2025 Luis Devin. All rights reserved. | | | | | | | |
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