African Pygmies   > Other Pygmy Peoples   > BaKola-BaGyeli
BaKola-BaGyeli Pygmies of Cameroon.African Pygmies HomepageIntroductionCamps and HutsHunting activitiesOther Daily ActivitiesMusic and DancesPortraitsNatural environmentBaka Pygmies (Cameroon, Gabon and Congo)Bedzan Pygmies (Cameroon)BaKoya Pygmies (Gabon)Aka Pygmies (Central African Rep.)Rainforest & Pygmies (Audio-Photo Gallery)Fieldwork (Audio-Photo Diary)The Forest Has You. Story of an Initiation
(Cameroon, Gabon and Congo)
(Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea)
(Central African Rep.)
Audio-Photo Gallery
Audio-Photo Diary
Story of an Initiation
the Website

* In the native languages of other peoples in Central Africa, as well as in the anthropological literature, the BaKola-BaGyeli are sometimes referred to as Bakoya Pygmies (name variants: Koya, Kola, Likoya and Bakuele) or as Gyeli Pygmies (name variants: Gyele, Bagyele, Giele, Bagiele, Bogyel, Bogyeli, Bondjiel, Jele, Bajele, Jeli, Bajeli, Gieli and Bagieli), or as Bako or Bekoe Pygmies, or, more generally, as Mbenga Pygmies (name variants: Bambenga, Babenga, Babinga, Binga, Mbinga, Babingas, Bingas, Ba-Binga and Yadinga).
With regard to the meaning, origin and use of the word "Pygmy", see this note on terminology.
BaKola-BaGyeli Pygmies of Cameroon.       Page URL:       Photos, texts and audio recordings by Luis Devin.
The time in the tropical rainforests of the Western Congo Basin, where the BaKola-BaGyeli Pygmy people live, is 21:04.
Every minute, at least 25 hectares (250.000 m²) of forest are destroyed around the world (source: WWF).