Pygmy pestle and mortar for manioc pounding
1. Pounding manioc with
pestle and mortar.
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African Pygmies   > Baka Pygmies   > Daily activities

Food Preparation

(Baka Pygmies of Cameroon,
Gabon and Congo)
Photos, texts and audio recordings
by Luis Devin
.Luis Devin - Ai confini del gusto.
Soundscape: pangolin scales crackling on the fire. In the background,
Baka camp and rainforest sounds (Baka Pygmies of Cameroon).
Manioc drying in a Pygmy camp
Preparation of palm oil in a Pygmy camp
2. Manioc drying.
3. Palm oil preparation.
Pygmy chopping board for mincing vegetables
4. Baka girl mincing
vegetables on a wooden
chopping board.
Go to the page: Vegetable gathering
in the rainforest

Go to the page: Baka women
Pygmy pot for cooking meat
5. Young Baka boy cooking
meat in an iron pot.
Go to the page: Animals hunted
with bows and crossbows
Duiker in a Pygmy hut
6. Elderly woman with
an antelope head
(Yellow-backed Duiker,
Cephalophus silvicultor).
Go to the page: Animals hunted with traps
Go to the page: The African rainforest
Pangulin cooked by Baka Pygmies
7. Baka man putting a Pangolin on fire
to facilitate the detachment of scales.
The author:
Music anthropologist and writer, he has carried out field research in central Africa, where he lived with the Baka Pygmies and other forest peoples, whose music, rituals and survival strategies he has been studying for more than a decade.

Food preparation among Baka Pygmies, with photos and ethnographic notes (Baka Pygmies of Cameroon, Gabon and Congo).

Photos, texts and audio recordings by Luis Devin.
Page URL:

Photos, videos and sounds are available for licensing, both for multimedia use and paper publications. For the terms and conditions, contact the author from the Contact page.

The time in the tropical rainforests of the Western Congo Basin, where the Baka Pygmy people live, is 13:25. Every minute, at least 25 hectares (250.000 m²) of forest are destroyed around the world (source: WWF).

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