Baka Pygmies concert at Milan
1. Members of the Aka
group during a concert.

Aka Pygmies

Italian Concert Tour (2001)

(from the Central African Republic's rainforest)
Photos, texts and audio recordings
by Luis Devin
.Luis Devin - Ai confini del gusto.
Soundscape: Aka vocal polyphony
(Aka Pygmies of the Central African Republic).
Cities of the Aka Pygmy Concert Tour, a dance in a meadow
2. - 3. Cities of the Italian Concert Tour of the "N'zamba Lela Group"
(Aka Pygmies from Central African Republic): Milan, Pietra di Bismantova
near Castelnovo ne' Monti (Reggian Apennine), Soriano nel Cimino (Viterbo),
Rome, Fiesole; Bottom image: a dance performance on the Reggian Apennine.
Go to the page: Some backstage images
Aka Pygmy music: polyphonic singing with arched harp
4. Polyphonic song with accompaniment of
arched harp, during a concert on the top
of Bismantova Stone (see photo above).
Go to the page: Aka Pygmy music and dances
Bismantova Stone
5. Bismantova Stone, a particular geological formation
near Castelnovo ne' Monti, on the Reggian Apennine,
where a group of Aka Pygmies from Central African
Republic gave a concert in 2001.
Aka Pygmies between hazel-trees near Viterbo
6. Members of the group on a trip
in the Viterbo's countryside,
in a day off from the tour.
Go to the page: Aka men and women portraits
Aka / BaAka dancers
7. Aka dance during
a concert of the tour.
Go to the page: Aka Pygmy music and dances
Soriano nel Cimino, in provincia di Viterbo
8. The castle of Soriano nel Cimino, where
the Aka Pygmies gave a concert in 2001.
The author:
Music anthropologist and writer, he has carried out field research in central Africa, where he lived with the Baka Pygmies and other forest peoples, whose music, rituals and survival strategies he has been studying for more than a decade.

The Italian Concert Tour of an Aka Pygmy group (from the Central African Republic's rainforest).

Photos, texts and audio recordings by Luis Devin.
Page URL:

Photos, videos and sounds are available for licensing, both for multimedia use and paper publications. For the terms and conditions, contact the author from the Contact page.

The time in the tropical rainforests of the Western Congo Basin, where the Aka Pygmy people live, is 19:56. Every minute, at least 25 hectares (250.000 m²) of forest are destroyed around the world (source: WWF).

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